Monday, October 05, 2009

Day 15: Weigh-In

Healthweigh Doctor Scale Okay, here it is---ta dah!! One pound! Yaay! One pound? That's right and I'm glad for it. Total loss in two weeks? Two and one half pounds! That's 2.5 to the good and I'll take it. Tomorrow I will start bitching about it, of course.

Breakfast: Greek blueberry yogurt (mixed them together today--yaay) 120
2 mugs coffee with HH 160

Lunch: 1 jumbo hot dog 170 (eaten raw at my desk furtively)
chunk of mozzarella cheese 200 ( I think)
grapes 100

Dinner: WW chicken parm--it's okay--310
sprinkling of parmesan cheese 80
can green beans 60
one peach 50
3 small dollops raspberry vinaigrette 70

TOTAL: 1150
EXERCISE: 2 mile easy walk
EXERCISE ANECDOTE: I started walking behind an obviously overweight slow person. I couldn't tell if it was male or female, but it had a wide swinging gait, sidewinding I would have said. It was a woman and she kept getting farther and father away from me. I WAS SLOWER THAN THAT PERSON--AAAAAAARGH!
MAIN BITCH: See exercise anecdote
LITTLE VOICE: That is all you are going to lose

Blooper in Boston Globe:

red sox quiz
Test your rivarly knowledge

Also Red Sox starting pitcher Jon Lester boarding bus for Anaheim and ALDS. Stopping off for Secret Service training prior to game, but will have to lose Little Mermaid necklace first.
Jon Lester, who will start Game 1 for the Red Sox against the Angels (likely on Thursday), boarded the bus.

Curvy 'n Swervy


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