Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tomorrow's Winning Lottery Numbers

5 12 23 28 47

HAH! I know my readers did not fall for that. They have taste and discretion and intelligence. Unlike me.

Now how would you spend your money?

Your house is falling down.

Falling down house

Your car is deteriorating.


But you love clothes so much.

watters bridal1 Watters Bridal Stores

and you have a new love for travel.

See full size image

And working is so, well, tedious sometimes. I mean just getting up and going there requires energy, discipline, and organization. And you have to remember to get gas. And you have to remember to buy enough yogurt for one every day. And there's other stuff too. Some people were meant for lolling about.

Click to view big photoAnd not for actual labor.

Though you love the classroom and are comfortable there. It gives you a chance to use words bigger than futon, long reptilian words as Mark Twain would say, and to witness novel texting techniques So what would you gain if you quit working?

I know. I'll have some trees cut down. They are encroaching on my house.

And I will continue to think about this issue.

Living the Dream, dear reader, or I should say Living the Dream With Cats. They are still working on their book. So am I.




At 11:05 PM , Blogger Kristina said...

I would, in fact, fix everything wrong with my house and get rid of the rusty minivan. For a non-rusty minivan. Which would soon become rusty. Such is Michigan.

At 3:32 AM , Blogger Kay Cooke said...

This has been on my mind lately too funnily enough.
All of the above and a bit more too. (Get rid of mortgage being the prime one, I guess.) What!!!! They're not the winning numbers?! Rats!

At 7:38 AM , Blogger Becky Willis Motew said...

Kay and Kristina,

Thanks for your tips. I seem to be gripped with indecision. I'm not going to quit work, definitely. But there are so many things to fix on the house, it's daunting. I don't know what to do first. Sigh.


At 11:18 PM , Blogger sandman1 said...

I honestly don't know what I'd do with lottery money. I'm not that good at spending it, even more so when it comes to hiring people to do things for me. And I'm not that good at spending time not working, either, so I'd have to figure out what to do with my time. It's easier to let work give me something to do, and with the housework, it's easier to let TV distract me from thinking about it (I'm with you on the lolling).

I have wondered, if not seriously, what it would be like to just lock the door and walk away. Would I really miss any of it?

Yow, nice dress, by the way.

At 7:27 AM , Blogger Becky Willis Motew said...

That is a fantasy worth considering. I have thought of it many times. Thanks on the dress, wish it were mine, but where would I wear it? God, they'd love me at Hannaford's in that.

At 11:42 PM , Blogger sandman1 said...

It'd be great to wear that dress into Hannaford's and then act über-cheap, like arguing with the cashier about the price of generic Cheerios or something, or asking the bakery if they have any discounts for old bread. Then again, they're not much fun there, and they might not bat an eye at that...

If you won the lottery, would you still have to shop at Hannaford's?

At 6:24 AM , Blogger Becky Willis Motew said...

I don't think they'd bat an eye at Hannaford's no matter what one wore. And how could I ever give it up? :)


At 5:35 AM , Anonymous Lottery Guide said...

Thanks for this usefull information. I hope to read more in future. I honestly don't know what I'd do with Lottery money. I'm not that good at spending it, even more so when it comes to hiring people to do things for me.


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