Monday, November 23, 2009


First of all, nine weeks ago I started the Hamster Diet and this morning I officially have lost NINE POUNDS. I am thrilled.

Now that I've accomplished that, what am I doing? Heading off toward temptation, that's what. First, Arkansas for Thanksgiving, well known Velveeta and Cool Whip destination.
Arkansas Vacation RentalsV and CW are ingested and enjoyed everywhere on this map. I will be landing in Little rock--see it? I may throw myself on top of a big slab of Velveeta right in the airport. You wouldn't want to miss it if you are in the area. Then I will be motoring to Hot Springs, down there in the lefthand corner. Excellent V cheese dip waiting and my sister-in-law's divine chili. She lets me take a container of CW to bed with me. She's awesome.
Hot Springs
This is a picture of the Hot Springs observation tower, or maybe it's the water tower. I don't know what it is. You do see it on the horizon wherever you go. How this photographer did not manage to catch WalMart in the shot I don't know. It's very scenic in Hot Springs and the only bad thing is the preponderance of snakes. But I think they're all underground at this time of year. They have a den somewhere underneath and they all try to stand up and dance. It's pretty pitiful seeing snakes do that and I'm glad we can't.

In just a few weeks, after the semester is over and --gag gag--Christmas, I am going to....are you ready....wait for it...

This is not my hotel, by the way. I am very excited about this development and will have much more on the subject later. Have to dash now, though.

Cutie pie Molly goes to her first restaurant. She tried to order the tiramisu, but the waitress asked for ID.

Big sister Maeve gets in a few licks on the harmonica. Hey. Bob Dylan had to start somewhere.

Happy Thanksgiving, dear reader. A bientot




At 11:54 PM , Blogger sandman1 said...

Congrats on the continuing success with the diet! In preparation for your trip, though, I think you should plan to use the phrase "when in Rome" a lot to justify having V & CW later this week.

At 9:46 AM , Blogger Becky Willis Motew said...

I'm there now, sm, and have already succumbed badly. :)

At 8:35 AM , Blogger Kay Cooke said...

Congrats!! You are a winner! Have fun with your family. Those granddaughters of yours are soooo cute!
(LOVE the new photo of you - gorgeous or what??!!) Very Katherine Hepburn / Lauren Bacall - ish.


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